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City of Waterloo

Responsible in 42 actions

Action title
Implementation phase
TasksResponsible partiesIndicators
Information updated
1.1.1Plan a network of major active transportation corridors across cities and townships, that will provide high-volume priority travel for walking, cycling, and rolling to key destinations across the region, as well as access to public transit
6 tasks
kaksi kuukautta sitten
1.1.2Plan for and build neighbourhood connections to the active transportation network
No tasks
kaksi kuukautta sitten
1.1.3Implement further policies across the region to prioritize active transportation in road and trail design and reconstruction
No tasks
kaksi kuukautta sitten
1.1.4Identify and implement policy and program opportunities to de-incentivize driving
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kaksi kuukautta sitten
1.1.5Design and maintain active transportation infrastructure to ensure year-round access, safety, and comfort for people of all ages and abilities
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kaksi kuukautta sitten
1.2.2Ensure priority access for walking, cycling, and rolling to transit stations and bus stops
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kaksi kuukautta sitten
1.2.4Connect people to intercity, multimodal, and emerging transportation solutions
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kolme kuukautta sitten
1.3.1Launch micro mobility systems (bike, e-bike and e-scooter-sharing systems) in Waterloo Region communities
1 tasks
kolme kuukautta sitten
1.3.2Expand and innovate on existing programming (e.g. Travelwise) that supports employers and employees in making active transportation and transit the easy and preferred choice for commuting and business travel
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vuosi sitten
1.3.3Create community active transportation hubs to provide customized support, education, training, and resources
Not started
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vuosi sitten
1.3.4Develop active transportation and transit programs that target equity-deserving communities
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kaksi kuukautta sitten
1.3.5Post-pandemic continued adoption of work from home and flexible work schedules for reducing trips or shifting trips to off-peak times
No tasks
kaksi kuukautta sitten
1.4.1Increase the efficiency of commercial goods movement
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kaksi kuukautta sitten
1.5.1Create “15 minute neighbourhoods” where people can meet their daily needs by walking, cycling, or rolling
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kolme kuukautta sitten
1.5.2Implement design standards for new developments to build for walking, cycling, and rolling to be the primary mode of travel
No tasks
kaksi kuukautta sitten
1.5.3Site key community services, health facilities, subsidized housing, etc., in central areas where they can be easily accessed using the active transportation and public transit systems
No tasks
kuusi kuukautta sitten
2.1.2Plan and begin to implement a transition to zero emission vehicles for municipal fleets, working towards a goal of at least half of municipal vehicles being zero emissions by 2030
1 tasks
kaksi kuukautta sitten
2.1.3Plan and begin to implement the transition of commercial vehicle fleets to zero emissions vehicles
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vuosi sitten
2.2.1Provide more public electric vehicle charging stations in public spaces, commercial spaces and other places visited by the public
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kaksi kuukautta sitten
2.2.2Require all new residential parking spaces, and a portion of new non-residential parking spaces, to be constructed as "EV-ready"
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kaksi kuukautta sitten
3.1.2Implement a public literacy campaign to explain and promote the adoption of electric heat pumps for space and water heating in residential and commercial buildings
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kaksi kuukautta sitten
3.1.3Switch home and business heating and water heating off of fossil fuels
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kaksi kuukautta sitten
3.1.5Identify and implement necessary supports to transition anyone still using fuel oil, or propane for heating to other fuel sources by 2025
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vuosi sitten
3.1.6Install renewable energy generation in business and residential buildings
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3.1.9Offer innovative loans for energy-related residential and commercial building upgrades
3 tasks
kolme kuukautta sitten
3.1.10Create a one-window service to support energy-related upgrades for homes and businesses
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vuosi sitten
3.2.3Develop region-wide building standards to encourage and support zero-carbon development of all new buildings in the region
No tasks
22 päivää sitten
3.2.4Incorporate energy planning considerations into the development application review process
No tasks
22 päivää sitten
3.2.7Show leadership by building net-zero carbon in the public sector
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kolme kuukautta sitten
4.1.3Support the use of compost/organics collection programs for all commercial buildings
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kaksi kuukautta sitten
4.2.1Implement community waste reduction and circular economy campaigns
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kaksi kuukautta sitten
4.2.4Reduce unnecessary building demolitions and construction waste
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kolme kuukautta sitten
5.1.1Continue to develop and enforce robust land use planning protections for prime agricultural land
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kolme kuukautta sitten
5.4.2Provide a variety of low GHG food options and plant-based dining options in local restaurants, grocery stores, and catered events
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kaksi kuukautta sitten
6.1.1Establish metrics to measure progress on increasing equity through GHG reduction initiatives in our community
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kolme kuukautta sitten
6.1.2Incorporate education on sustainability justice and equity into climate action planning
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vuosi sitten
6.1.3Fund a climate justice committee led by community members from equity-seeking groups
Not started
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6.1.4Provide specialized resources/support to organizations on prioritizing equity while planning their transition
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6.1.6Build reciprocal relationships between Indigenous groups and local municipalities and climate action organizations to ensure GHG reduction work is done in equitable ways that respect the land and traditions of Indigenous groups
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kaksi kuukautta sitten
6.1.8Apply an equity lens to all the actions in this transformation
1 tasks
vuosi sitten
6.3.4Evaluate how to identify and protect optimal areas for industrial-scale renewable energy generation
Not started
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6.5.1Bring community organizations and local government together to collectively identify and communicate advocacy priorities to multiple levels of government
No tasks
vuosi sitten