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1.1.3Implement further policies across the region to prioritize active transportation in road and trail design and reconstruction


  • Not started
  • Planning
  • Implementation
  • Continuous


Policies need to be in place to ensure that all renewal of infrastructure and road redesign projects are built to achieve the goal of having most trips taken by walking, cycling, or rolling, with support from transit.

This action will be led by the Region of Waterloo and the Area Municipalities. Please see below for the most recent publicly available updates.


There has been significant progress towards this action from the alignment with the Integrated Mobility Plan (see Action 1.1.1). Integrated mobility is the ability for people to move easily from place to place according to their own needs using the right mode. This Integrated Mobility Plan will prioritize active transportation for all ages and abilities as part of rebalancing transportation to meet the needs of a growing population. The plan was initiated early in 2023 with a schedule to be completed by late 2024.

The 2018 Transportation Master Plan 2018 included provisions to provide walking facilities on both sides of the road and to improve active transportation connections to ION stops within the region.


The City of Cambridge will be reviewing active transportation policies through the Official Plan policy review (2024) and the Engineering Development Standards Manual (2023-2024).


The City of Kitchener's Development Manual (used to guide the design and construction of new neighbourhoods) was updated to apply Complete Streets principles and designs to new development, such as wider sidewalks, All Ages and Abilities cycling infrastructure and traffic calming measures.


The City of Waterloo addresses action 1.1.3 through items included in the City's Transportation Master Plan Update 2020:

Implementing a regular, on-going monitoring program and set performance measures and targets to track progress

  • Developing a methodology and policy to prioritize the implementation of trail lighting for multi-use-paths, coordinating with Transportation, Planning and Parks departments
  • Continuing to implement the signage family that is currently being used in the City
  • Developing signage for recreational trails that includes information such as trail length, width, slope, surface and amenities in legible text
  • Developing a methodology to prioritize the implementation of wayfinding signage across the City’s cycling network
  • Developing a plan for the implementation of signage on existing an planned facilities
  • Coordinating implementation of signage with other departments and jurisdictions
  • Continuing to maintain an inventory of signage information, including wayfinding signage in a GIS database
  • Under the Complete Streets policy to incorporate Complete Streets 2.0 principles, new tools for implementation, improved communications practices, and defined metric tracking as detailed in Section 9.1
  • Adopting a Multi-Modal Level of Service framework detailing the process, methodology and tools for assessing the performance of all travel modes, to be applied whenever a level of service analysis is required
  • Adopting a policy on road safety consistent with Vision Zero principles and develop a Road Safety Action Plan
  • Based on Council’s additional recommendation #6 to the April 19, 2021 Staff Report IPPW2021-037, that

Council will also be adopting either of the following approaches as part of the Speed Management Program:

  • Adopt a uniform speed limit of 30km/h for class 4 and 5 roads within residential areas; or
  • Adopt a uniform speed limit of 40km/h for class 4 and 5 roads within residential areas and 30km/h on roads within school zones in residential areas


The Township of Woolwich 2023 Active Transportation Master Plan addresses road and trail design standards.