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1.2.2Ensure priority access for walking, cycling, and rolling to transit stations and bus stops


  • Not started
  • Planning
  • Implementation
  • Continuous


For transit to support most trips being made using active transportation, we need to build seamless active transportation connections to and from transit stations and stops.

This action will be led by the Region of Waterloo, in collaboration with the Area Municipalities. Please see below for the most recent publicly available updates.


The City of Kitchener’s Cycling and Trails Master Plan and Complete Streets Guidelines prioritize connections between the active transportation network and transit stations and stops. In addition, parking stations for the region-wide e-scooter and e-bike rental system are located next to transit stations and stops.


The City of Waterloo addresses action 1.2.2 through items included in the City's Transportation Master Plan Update 2020:

  • Implementing the facilities included in the Ultimate Cycling Network using design guidance from OTM Book 18, the TAC Transportation Design Guide for Canadian Roads, NACTO Urban Bikeway Design Guide, and any future relevant guidance
  • Adopting the Updated Sidewalk Policy to provide clear standards on where sidewalks are built
  • Implementing road crossings and intersection treatments along all route corridors, including mid-block crossings where desired
  • Using opportunities such as road reconstruction or site development to widen sidewalks at key locations
  • Considering installing counters as part of all new cycling facility construction, with priority for the Primary Network
  • Considering narrowing lane width requirements and reducing roadway cross-sections in three ways: remove centre medians, avoid lanes wider than 3.5 metres and narrow curb lanes in conjunction with buffered bicycle lanes
  • Updating the City’s standard cross-sections to incorporate the recommended lane widths, as well as effectively using the available space for pedestrians, cyclists, transit vehicles and private vehicles


The Township of Woolwich addresses this action in the 2023 Active Transportation Master Plan.