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1.1.1Plan a network of major active transportation corridors across cities and townships, that will provide high-volume priority travel for walking, cycling, and rolling to key destinations across the region, as well as access to public transit


  • Not started
  • Planning
  • Implementation
  • Continuous


To rebuild the transportation system to prioritize active transportation, it must be planned around a region-wide network of active transportation corridors that can help large numbers of people move across the region by walking, cycling, or rolling. This network will serve as the base structure of a sustainable mobility network, and should be built for people of all ages and abilities. This work will build on the considerable efforts already underway to include all modes of travel in our transportation system.

This action will be led by the Region of Waterloo and the Area Municipalities. Please see below for the most recent publicly available updates.

The Region of Waterloo

The Region of Waterloo is embarking on an Integrated Mobility Plan for Waterloo Region. Integrated mobility is the ability for people to move easily from place to place according to their own needs using the right mode. The plan will prioritize active transportation for all ages and abilities as part of rebalancing transportation to meet the needs of a growing population. The plan was initiated early in 2023 with a schedule to be completed by late 2024. Click here to learn more about the Integrated Mobility Plan for Waterloo Region

City of Cambridge

The City of Cambridge approved the Cycling Master Plan (2020) and Transportation Master Plan (2019) “Active Transportation Network 2041” (page 58) and Action Plan (page 86). Further planning will be incorporated into Schedules and policies associated with the Official Plan (2022).

The Cycling Master Plan contains various scenarios for funding and building the network- generally, over the next 20 years (to 2041) the City will fund approximately $2 million/year to implement the active transportation plans and projects.

City of Kitchener

The City of Kitchener approved a new Cycling and Trails Master Plan in 2020 that will establish a safe, connected and high-quality network of cycling routes and trails throughout Kitchener, make cycling an easy and effortless experience year-round and make cycling and trails a normal part of everyday life in Kitchener. The City of Kitchener approved a Vision Zero strategy in 2022 to improve street safety for all streets.

City of Waterloo

The City of Waterloo addresses action 1.1.1 through items included in the City's Transportation Master Plan Update 2020:

  • Amending the City of Waterloo Official Plan to implement recommendations of incorporating the proposed ultimate cycling network, and incorporating the proposed road classification changes.
  • Incorporating the short, medium, and long term projects recommended in the Waterloo Transportation Master Plan in the next update of the City of Waterloo Official Plan
  • Continuing to study the feasibility and design of the grade separated highway crossings at recommended locations
  • Identifying opportunities to support the funding and construction of the grade separated highway crossings working with the City’s Planning Group
  • Addressing gaps in the cycling network by converting sidewalks in key locations in Region-owned rights-of-way to multi-use-paths
  • Continuing to pursue the re-routing of the Great Trail (Trans Canada Trail)
  • Exploring opportunities to install a controlled crossing facility at Columbia Street West at the Laurel Trail
  • Continuing to work with the City of Kitchener, the Region of Waterloo, and the Townships of Wilmot and Woolwich to coordinate and implement connected active transportation

Township of Woolwich

The Township of Woolwich has completed an Active Transportation Master Plan in July 2023 that promotes the development of a well connected and safe active transportation network.



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