To prepare for a time when most trips are made by walking, cycling, or rolling, neighbourhoods across the region must have comfortable, safe access to the transportation system using these modes of travel. New neighbourhoods can be designed with this access from the start, and existing neighbourhoods need to be retrofitted to ensure good access to the network.
This action will be led by the Area Municipalities, in collaboration with the Region of Waterloo. Please see below for the most recent publicly available updates.
In 2021 the Region produced a Bike Map as a summary of all bike infrastructure in the cities and townships of Waterloo Region. The map highlights public art, scenic historic bridges, the Hydrocut trails (a premier mountain bike destination), and Ontario by Bike’s Bike-Friendly Businesses.
TravelWise actively works with its members to ensure that they know the existing neighbourhood connections to the active transportation network that are near their workplace. TravelWise collaborates with the area municipalities to ensure that we have the latest map of the active transportation network.
The City of Cambridge is implementing Action 1.1.2 through Plans of Subdivision, Cycling Master Plan implementation, and through major development applications and projects (e.g. pedestrian bridge connecting Lens Mill redevelopment site in Hespeler with Mill Run Trail). New trail networks are being planned in both industrial / commercial and residential subdivisions.
The City has completed the installation of over 30 km of on-road All Ages and Abilities cycling facilities since approval of the Cycling and Trails Master Plan in 2020 and completed 7km of upgraded and realigned off road trails since 2020 (This doesn’t include BMUTs). High profile projects include: 75% completion the construction of a Downtown Cycling Grid, full closure of Delta Street and conversion to a multi-use trail, closure of Gaukel Street and conversion to a pedestrian and public space, and completion of new and upgraded multi-use trails such as Henry Sturm Trail, Wilson Park, Shoemaker Creek and the Traynor Trail.
The City of Waterloo addresses action 1.1.2 through items included in The City of Waterloo's Official Plan. The plan places a high priority on encouraging active transportation. The roads under the City’s jurisdiction will be planned to service a network of complete streets, facilitating the movement of, and interaction between, all travel modes-pedestrian, bicycles, transit, and motorized vehicles- within and throughout the City. In addition, in 2022 the City opened the Larch Street woonerf designed to emphasize walking and cycling over car use.
The Township of Woolwich addresses planning best practices in the 2023 Active Transportation Master Plan.