Design standards can ensure active transportation is the priority when making transportation impact assessments of new and existing developments. These standards can also address site design issues such as secure bicycle parking, pedestrian access, and vehicle parking. These standards should ensure new developments are built for people of all ages and abilities.
This action will be led by Area Municipalities, with support from the Region of Waterloo. Please see below for the most publicly available updates.
Green Development Standards Phase one project is complete and moving on to Phase two (community engagement and design). A Green Development Standard (GDS) , is a planning and / or design policy consisting of comprehensive principles to ensure all developments align with community environmental, energy, and sustainability goals.
Design standards for on- and off-road multi-use trails are included in various Master Plans (e.g. Trails Master Plan, Cycling Master Plan, Transportation Master Plan) and the Engineering Development Standards Manual and are regularly updated. For the foreseeable future, roads will continue to be dedicated to vehicle traffic as the primary mode of travel with more options and choices for travel being introduced within the right-of-way.
The Cycling Master Plan focuses on creating a city-wide network of bicycle facilities that are physically separated from traffic and on streets with low traffic volumes. This is an All Ages and Abilities (AAA) approach - meaning the facilities are safe, comfortable, and equitable for a number of user groups such as older adults and children. This means focusing on bicycle facilities that are physically separated from traffic and on streets with low traffic volumes.
The City of Kitchener's Development Manual (used to guide the design and construction of new neighbourhoods) was updated to apply Complete Streets principles and designs to new development, such as wider sidewalks, All Ages and Abilities cycling infrastructure and traffic calming measures
Items to support this action have been included in the City of Waterloo Urban Design Manual:
- Design park spaces and all open spaces linkages including trails to be part of the larger network of Open Space linked by trails, connecting new and old neighbourhoods.
- Design sites and buildings to connect to the surrounding open space system including parks, trails, public streets, and transit routes. Consider opportunities to provide multiple pedestrian or open space linkages and open space connections.
- Design sites to connect to, or re-establish the street network system.
- Encourage mid-block pedestrian connections through large block developments.
- Pedestrian-friendly design is a guideline objective with several planning actions underneath.
The Township of Woolwich identifies implementing design standards for new developments to build for walking, cycling, and rolling as a focus of planning practices, the Active Transportation Master Plan and Official Plan updates.