This transformation plan is a call to action in Reconciliation efforts to build relationships between Indigenous groups and local municipalities and climate action organizations. This is critical in ensuring the voices and needs of Indigenous groups are centered in this work.
This work will need to be done by all municipalities and local climate action organizations. The intention is to move TransformWR implementation forward with a new governance structure that will support deeper connections, and integrations for advisory and capacity roles for Indigenous and equity deserving groups.
Sustainable Waterloo Region facilitated the planting of a food forest at Anishnabeg Outreach's Eminidowang Kitigaan (Spirit Garden for Everyone) as a part of their Microforest Planting Program. This food forest was supported by Waterloo Region businesses AET Group Inc., EY Waterloo, and Home Depot. Volunteers planted fruit trees and shrubs that will provide apples, pears, cherries, apricots and plums to the community. The group also planted cedar trees to border the forest and provide medicine. This planting was a part of a space that will grow food and medicines, providing to more than 450 local Indigenous community members who are part of the organization's spirit bundle program and creating beauty in the community for years to come.
KW Urban Native Wigwam Project is a non-profit organization “providing culturally safe and affordable housing for the Indigenous community (First Nations, Metis, and Inuit) in Waterloo Region.” Over the last year and a half, Reep Green Solutions has had the privilege to work with this group to conduct air sealing for 22 of their units to make these homes more comfortable and affordable for the residents.
Through this work, Reep was able to identify areas of air leakage within these homes (areas where outdoor air enters and conditioned air escapes). Air leakage results in inefficiency in space heating and cooling by making it difficult to regulate indoor temperatures. Reep was able improve the air leakage rates by caulking, weather stripping, and insulating.
By conducting some of these minor improvements, together Reep was able to increase the overall efficiency and identify areas for further opportunity in light of the recently launched Greener Homes Initiative.