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Community Capacity Building Organizations

Responsible in 17 actions

Action title
Implementation phase
TasksResponsible partiesIndicators
Information updated
3.1.1Upgrade commercial and residential building walls, foundations, attics, windows and doors to reduce heat losses
No tasks
kaksi kuukautta sitten
3.1.2Implement a public literacy campaign to explain and promote the adoption of electric heat pumps for space and water heating in residential and commercial buildings
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kaksi kuukautta sitten
3.1.3Switch home and business heating and water heating off of fossil fuels
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3.1.6Install renewable energy generation in business and residential buildings
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3.1.7Support households on lower income with building envelope improvements, electrifying space and water heating, and renewable energy generation
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3.1.8Identify opportunities to incentivize landlords to perform energy efficiency upgrades
Not started
No tasks
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3.1.9Offer innovative loans for energy-related residential and commercial building upgrades
3 tasks
kolme kuukautta sitten
4.1.3Support the use of compost/organics collection programs for all commercial buildings
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4.2.1Implement community waste reduction and circular economy campaigns
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4.2.4Reduce unnecessary building demolitions and construction waste
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kolme kuukautta sitten
4.2.5Support programs and services that offer repair, refurbishment, and resource sharing in the community
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5.3.1Support the reduction of GHG emissions from livestock, and develop methane capture and energy production from manure
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6.1.2Incorporate education on sustainability justice and equity into climate action planning
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6.1.4Provide specialized resources/support to organizations on prioritizing equity while planning their transition
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6.1.6Build reciprocal relationships between Indigenous groups and local municipalities and climate action organizations to ensure GHG reduction work is done in equitable ways that respect the land and traditions of Indigenous groups
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6.1.8Apply an equity lens to all the actions in this transformation
1 tasks
vuosi sitten
6.3.2Implement a public literacy campaign for homeowners and property owners on renewable energy systems
Not started
No tasks
kaksi kuukautta sitten