Municipal governments currently have direct or indirect control over approximately 44% of GHG emissions in Canada, while other sources of emissions that are regulated provincially and federally make up the rest. That means that while we take the lead to address climate change in our community, the success of our efforts will also depend on policies from other levels, such as carbon pricing and the emissions from Ontario’s electricity grid, and changes to provincial land use planning regulations. Achieving our 2030 and 2050 visions will require working with local organizations and governments, as well as other municipalities across Ontario and Canada, to have a coordinated voice in expressing our needs for climate action that supports equity, prosperity, and resiliency. In doing so, we should advocate for higher levels of ambition, in line with the 1.5°C degree Paris Agreement target as well as the justice and equity principles outlined in this strategy. With strength in numbers, we can provide proactive guidance to provincial and federal governments so our local action and efforts produce the intended outcomes.